through talks or other academic problems. Should be that those who put their trust in technology to solve problems of education look more deeply into the needs of children. Renewal of education requires personal attention to students from teachers and parents a good active, strongly supported by their communities. It requires commitment to developmentally appropriate education and attention to the full range of needs of the child the real low-tech, - physical, emotional, social, and intellectual development.
So, be careful, be aware, the exchange of ideas to stimulate the cells of the mind before it's too late!
Computers and re-shaping the lives of children in the home and school, in ways profound and unexpected. Common sense suggests that we look at the potential damage, as well as the promised benefits to this change. Quite simply, childhood is the edge of our species' evolutionary. Children take time. Simply put, many children are not given enough time to be children.Computers are the symptoms of a severe rush of the end of childhood.
Children need stronger personal bonds with adults. After the powerful technologies and distracting children and adults from each other. They need time to play, an active material; hands-on lessons learned from all materials, especially the arts and language. Experience of nature. This is essential for the growth of a healthy child thrive in an atmosphere of freedom. After many schools and parents choose the child to read a computer works and reduce the minimum bids in developing regions in the transition to the time, money and technology, expensive is not installed! Researchers computers pose serious health risks to children. The risks include repetitive stress injuries, eye, and obesity, social isolation, and for some, the damage to long-term development of physical, emotional, or intellectual. Our children thrive to spend even more time staring at screens vision problems increase. The need for social and educational for children with low income is at stake as well. Quite clear, and the emphasis on the computing engine and only one of the human capacity - an abstract and analytical thinking of the development of the child in late, but he aims to jump start before late!Computers are tools to think the most complex ever designed. It was designed with the bodies of adults, as well as the mental capacity of adults, in mind. Even for adults, is associated with extensive use of job stress and serious injuries. But the emphasis on computers for children, who are growing bodies are usually more prone to stress, and presents many challenges in health development. Can the current emphasis on computers distract schools and families to attend to the real needs of the child, and can exacerbate existing problems.
Computer, such as television, can be an incubator mesmerizing.But many children, overwhelmed by the volume of data and flashy special effects of the global network and software much, and difficulty focusing on any one task.
Training must be five years old today on computers to get high-paying jobs of tomorrow?
For a relatively small number of children who suffer from certain disabilities, and provides the benefits of technology. But for the majority, and computers pose health risks and serious development problems. Particular concern is the growing incidence of disabling repetitive stress injuries among college students who began using computers in childhood. According to the National Council for Science in 1998 that prolonged exposure to computing environments may create "individuals incapable of dealing with the chaos and reality and the needs of the community building, and requirements for personal commitments."
Physical health
It can emphasize the use of computers in the place of childhood children at increased risk for repetitive strain injury, visual strain, obesity, and other health consequences of a sedentary lifestyle.Some development experts also warn that increasing the time children spend on computers, as already sitting for hours in front of television and video games, and can contribute to developmental delays in children's ability to coordinate movement and sensory impressions, and the meaning of the results. And can in turn lead to delays in language and other learning problems. This health threat and requires immediate attention, but the only concern because all the people in the "rat race computer!
Muscle injuries and skeletal
Long hours on the keyboard, and repeat continuously a few fine hand movements, may overburden the child's hands, wrists, arms and neck. This, in turn, may stress developing their muscles, bones, tendons, and nerves. For the user, the computer is a type of restrictions in the body that must adapt itself. Eyes staring at the focal length is changing, drifting back and forth across the screen. Fingers moving quickly across the keyboard or she is ready, waiting to strike. President sits on top of the spine balanced, according to one doctor, such as a bowling ball. Built for the movement of human beings do not respond well to a mobile sitting for hours at a time. Children who play games on computers for long hours, fight with control keys, jump with the space or run right to left or upside turvy by the arrow keys on certain that freeze with the pain, and vision in the hands and more! There may be a greater risk. This is because the bones, tendons, nerves, muscles, joints and soft tissue continues to grow.
Vision problems
Computer is the pressure on the eyes of the child and the development of the visual system and actually makes learning to read, and more complex. Is associated with the eye of the experienced by computer operators to the glow of the screen and the screen that are either too bright or too dim compared with the ambient light. Maintaining a continued focus at the same distance, at the same angle, and prevents the flashing so no more reading of the book, perhaps to monitor and displays the surface reading of the vertical and because our eyes are open wider, making it more of an effort to blink children or adults, and face all the fatigue visual from long periods on the computer screen. Beginning of the book can be expected to poke the key message and passively monitors a message that appears on the screen can be difficult on the eyes and challenging extra sensory perception, and thus may actually impede the process of learning to read and write. Their system, muscular and nervous system in the development process as well. It's not until about the age of 11 or 12 by their ability to balance and coordinate the movement and focus both eyes together quite mature. It is permissible for a pair of glasses to correct the problem immediately. But the myopia itself may be a risk factor for other visual problems. Can interfere with sports activities for children and the enjoyment of nature, and even reduce their choice of profession
Lack of exercise and obesity
A lot of health professionals, childhood obesity has increased in recent times in large part because children spend more time sitting in front of the electronic media and less time playing the actual, at home and school, and because they consume a lot of high fat, high sugar and fast foods things. Whether it's a video game or television or computers, has found its way to the children of modern technology with a bang. Children at risk for diabetes, a risk factor for obesity because of Hegelian reports say American children has been increasing for diabetes. Lack of exercise is a major problem because children are in the loss of time reveals in many activities. Education in schools is getting close to my books and stealing up lessons.
Secluded life
It has become many parents with active spend less time together than an hour with the child from previous years. With the recent rise in the purchase of home computers, laptops, and home to the Internet connections, as well as communications school, and children who are likely to spend less time interacting face to face with parents, teachers and friends. Television and personal computers in every bedroom of the child. Another novelty is the courtesy of the personal computer in the gala birthday! A recent study estimates that children between the ages of 10 and 17 today will see some less than a third of face-to-face meetings with other people throughout their lives as a result of e-culture, increasingly, at home, school or classes.Began, many children who live a secluded life and disappear in their rooms to spend most of their time with this technological wonder the media. Socially, children are themselves pieces and not a little courtesies and emotional attachments.
Less self-motivation
Many girls find boring or computer components, while creative children to play more games. Young students often seem to mesmerize, and even some drug addicts, and work on their screens, and not motivated to learn. Fascination with technology, and researchers caution, are not the same thing as a motive to learn about educational topics beyond the technology itself. May be tempted by some of the educational soft wares are more entertaining than education.
Stunt imagination
The infiltrated less creativity in the classroom with the replacement of computer skills. Creative work depends on the child's own internal resources - including originality, playfulness in generating ideas, activity and perseverance in their implementation. Similarly, involves the imagination and the ability to bring images to own one of life in the mind and one private. Children who are exposed to heavy electronic food on TV, and bombed the Internet, video games, and multimedia ready with pictures and animation cleverly often and quickly exchanged with a point and click, literally leaving nothing to the imagination. Never consistently and effortlessly, they are puzzled by their imagination and find it difficult to generate their images and ideas. Reduction is up to the visual effects on the minds of the video game, television and computer.
Poor language and literacy
May be the time spent with computers and other electronic media distract both children and adults to communicate directly with each other, face to face, weaving together a rich variety of cues spoken and unspoken encourage such interactions. You may, experts warn of literacy, and place children at risk of delayed language. In addition, very few opportunities for such communication, if extended throughout childhood, may permanently reduce the ability of children to express them in speech or in writing, to understand what they read, and even understand. They are at a loss of logical thinking and analytical.Before they are built vocabulary, feed the kids a spoon to computers.
Ethical behavior and emotional competenceThe most important gift parents can give the child to stimulate their mental, not a good education and educational games in detail, or summer camp, but the time - regular, large pieces of it spent together doing things that are naturally appealing to the child. Dr. Stanley I. Greenspan, the former director of the Clinical Infant Development Program at the National Institute of Mental Health, and warn that the focus on computers in childhood increases the tendency of our culture increasingly rushed and impersonal to the detriment of the child's emotional growth. And which, they add, that adversely affect their intellectual, social and moral as well, because the emotions directory to learn rights and advertising, marketing behavior.Flooded on the Internet, television and call for boards of interest are also exposed children are not only games, and children's products but also in drugs, pornography and so on sites such as mamamedia.com, sesamestreet.com icanbuy.com and provide targeted banner campaigns and downloads the desktop background that the impact of emotionally children. They are children who are unable to cope with a minimum of frustrations, and strongly criticized.Entitled, demanding, impatient, lack of respect for authority, and the objection often than their peers, unempathetic and "wounded." Easily their numbers are increasing. We should take note of this disturbing trend and intervene with some urgency if we want to raise children who will care about others in the community.
To summarize, these are the basic beliefs and concerns
* Childhood is a critical stage of life and must be protected to be experienced fully. Should not be rushed
* Every child deserves respect as an individual. All need to help develop his own abilities and unique in finding ways to include in a healthy social fabric.
* Children today are under enormous pressure and suffer increasingly from illnesses such as asthma, allergies, obesity and excessive disorders and depression. This should be a pressure trim down.
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