Saturday, June 18, 2011

How to Choose the Best Toys For Your Children

If you are thinking of purchasing the best toy for your child but can't decide on what to buy, then hang on because in this article I will discuss the guidelines I use in choosing the best toy for my child before I picked up a toy from the store shelves.
In choosing the best toy for my child, I follow these simple reminders:

Size matters
When you consider purchasing a toy, try to examine if the toy has small parts that is easily detached from its rightful place. If you see one, I suggest you moved on to the next toy because this could present a danger to the safety of your kid especially if your little kid has the tendency to stuff everything that could fit in to his/her mouth, a choking accident could be an accident waiting to happen. One example of a toy that could present as a danger for choking accident is a toy car with wheels that is detachable.

Smells Good
If you noticed that toy has a yummy smell, think again before bringing it to the cashier. One such example of a toy that smells good and irresistible to bite is play dough. If your kid is one to two years old, I suggest you stay away from it unless you are always on your kid's side during play time because if you can't, the chances of your little kid taking a bite of the play out of curiosity are higher than winning the lottery. It is safe to think that a three-year old kid would not know what is edible or not but it is always on the safer side of things, right?

Sharp Edges
If you are buying a toy, common sense dictates that sharp edges could prove harmful to the safety of your kids. Run your fingers through the edges of the toy you are considering to buy because you will never the danger that lurks with a sharp toy. One fine example of toys that has sharp edges is the building and puzzle blocks.

Paint can be Toxic
Ask the assurance of sales clerk if they are aware of the paint being used by manufacturer if it is not lead-based. We all know that some paint is lead-based. Lead as we all know is harmful to humans.

Weight matters
If you have the chance to examine the toy closely, pay a closer attention to the weight of the toy. If it is quite heavy for you, what more to your kid? Stay away from these toys because it might be an accident waiting to happen.
If you follow these guidelines I laid out, I am sure you will have an easier time to decide in choosing the best toy to purchase this Christmas for your kids.

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